Hey there,
Do you know how much bee pollen is gathered by one little honeybees? Turns out, we may not realize just how much work it takes for a little honeybee to produce the superfood we call Fresh Bee Pollen!
To produce a typical 10 oz jar of Bee Pollen, it will take a single honeybee about 400 hours of foraging time! In a single day, a bee can visit upwards of 4,500 flowers too! You can imagine then how beneficial a honeybee is to a farmer needing to pollinate his crops.
Using this analogy, in peak production time, a single beehive comprised of about 8,000 foraging bees could potentially visit 36 million flowers and bring in 1,000 ounces of fresh pollen per day.
A lot of factors can effect this however; weather, location, diversity of florals, etc.
One thing is for sure: we'll never take for granted the hard work our honeybees put in to produce such a high quality product!
Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-health-benefits-of-bee-pollen-and-royal-jelly_3010352.html