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Spring is Swarm Season! Honeybees have never been more docile

honeybees swarm in spring

At first glance, you may be unsure as to what you’re looking at on this blossoming tree. It’s actually thousands of bees that are swarming. Swarms of bees happen when part of a colony splits from the rest of the hive due to overcrowding. The queen and roughly half of the hive will leave the old colony but not before preparing to have a new queen take over. The bees will then likely fly to an interim location until a more permanent home is found. Interim locations can often be very close to the previous hive due to the queen not being in prime flying condition. At the interim location, it will be the scout bees that go out in search of options for a permanent location.

Being well into springtime now, we often hear from people about what they should do when a swarm of bees is found living in their walls or any other less than desired location. Before calling a pest control agency or an exterminator we always recommend reaching out to someone that specializes in bee removal. Often, removers are local beekeepers that relocate the swarm to one of their hives. If you’re looking for a safe and humane swarm removal from your property be sure to check out this website here and you’ll be able to find the contact information for local swarm removal services in your area.

The photo above is an actual shot from one of our hives, so rich with honey and fresh pollen resources, that it has swarmed and split in two in search of a new home. Luckily we saw this in time for us to relocate the bees, and their resources into a new hive where they will be protected.

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