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  • Writer's pictureJ @ CBPI

Spring is Pollen Season for Honeybees

bee collecting fresh bee pollen

It’s officially springtime in California and that means it’s almost time to start collecting our 2019 batch of Fluffy Fresh Pollen. Our fresh local pollen is bottled right at the hive and is never heated or dried out which causes it to lose its nutritional value. Fresh local pollen is considered a super food meaning that it contains nearly all the nutrients that are needed by humans. Heating it up destroys some of its nutritional benefits so its important to refrigerate your pollen. With proper keeping, fresh bee pollen can last more than a year.

Bee pollen doesn’t have to be taken only by itself either. Many people like to use it as a topping for their yogurt, smoothies and salads. If you want to bee (get it?) even more creative, you can use bee pollen powder on your popcorn or incorporate the powder into your salad dressing. As you can see, there’s no shortage of ways one can incorporate this nutritious superfood into their diet. As we start collecting our new season of fresh local pollen, make sure to research all the creative ways you can incorporate bee pollen into your diet.

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